To encourage Keane to have more steamed dumplings I bribe him with the promise of Darn Tart (or egg tart), his absolute favourite. So it got me thinking about making some at home. I myself prefer the puff pastry version, but I hear it's hard to make so I went with the short crust one and see how that goes first. These are great. I've made them twice already and the second time was better.
The dough mixture makes more than the recommended 10 tarts. I ended up using my small ramekins and a small muffin/tart pan for the extras.
Piping hot out of the oven. My place smelt so good
Not bad for a first attempt
Here is the recipe I followed. I made some minor adjustments (eg omitting the vanilla extract from the dough) but these are fantastic instructions.
Another note - Since it has been so cold, my butter was still hard even at "room temperature". So I nuked it in the microwave and ended melting the butter completely, but that didn't affect the recipe. I hate stuffing up a whole cake just because I over-nuked my butter.
oh wow! you made your own egg tarts! that's awesome. i love egg tarts from yum cha :)
ReplyDeleteThey look fantastic! I've always wanted to give these a go but have been scared off by the multi layered pastry hehe