This is the first year I've been to the Good Food & Wine Show and I absolutely loved it. I went with 2 of my good friends, Amra and Prem and we really enjoyed ourselves. We intended to try one of the restaurant meals by Gordon Ramsay but there was so much free samples to try we were too full to have lunch. We gorged ourselves on cheese, bread, cake, dips, chocolate and so much more.
This is just one side
Yay! Alastair McLeod from Ready Steady Cook and who is also the Executive Chef at Bretts Wharf in Brisbane

We bought tickets to see Matt Moran (owner and chef of Aria reastuarant). He was brilliant! He was funny, comical, engaging, playful, entertaining and he cooked a great meal. He was just fantastic. I want to eat at his restuarant more than ever.

Here are some other things we sampled/saw throughout the show. I had heaps more but of course I was too busy eating to take photos of everything.
TsingTao Beer

Marinaed Quail

Qauil leg. I also tried the marinaded quail meet earlier on and it was delicious. Maybe I should consider trying to cook quail some time. Wonder if it's fiddly

Also saw Dominique Rizzo demonstrate too

Bretzels - All kinds of pretzels available

Vegetable spread

Cookie Couture - had a very artistic display

Cookie Couture

Cookie Couture - how adorable!

Cookie Couture - very appropriate

Yaels Cakes of Distinction - they were only giving out free samples but weren't selling any of their cakes. Shame because it tasted fabulous

Yaels Cakes of Distinction

Yaels Cakes of Distinction

Forgot the name of this stand but they did look really good

So good that Amra bought this cupcake. Edible sprinkles too

What a great day! I'm looking forward to next years Good Food & Wine Show!
con esos postrecitos se me cayó la baba! ;P