I didn't get to try Portuguese Tarts the first time I visited Macau, or the 2nd time because I was too young to know any better. But the third time I travelled with my brother (no parents), we made up for it. We were eating them any chance we had. I remember this one particular morning the both of us set out to buy some. We ended up purchasing a dozen....and we had 6 each....in one sitting. They were THAT good. I don't know how we did it and I don't think we could ever do it again. Not six in one sitting....maybe 3.
This time back I was in search for more Portuguese Tarts. I needed my fix. The ones here in Sydney are not the same, they aren't as creamy. The closest I've come are the ones from Puffy from Eastwood which are pretty good, but not the same. So anyway, my relos took us to the most well known place for Portuguese Tarts - Margaret's. If you ever visit Macau please please make sure you go here.

The queue is a good sign already.
It's a small place with other sweets and buns on offer but we were only interested in the tarts. I didn't come all this way to fill my stomach up with dough, I needed tarts! And here they are:

Beautiful crispy creamy golden tarts. I'm salivating looking at this picture again. Even that burnt tart was to die for!
Enough about them, here are some other random shots of cakes/sweets we sampled around Macau:
Pumpkin Dessert from the Royal Hotel Restaurant - very cute

Royal Hotel Lounge - Lemon Tart, Chestnut Cream Cake and a Chocolate Mouse Cake
It was dangerous having a cake counter in our hotel. We went there every day to see the new creations and probably sampled something new each time. Bad bad bad. We even got sucked in to have their afternoon tea buffet. Will post later.
It was Larry's birthday so I bought all these to celebrate
I can't remember what they all were but the big cake in the centre was their version of Black Forest Cake. The red on the top were cherry tomatoes. Ech!! Tomatoes do not go with cakes! I don't know why they didn't use strawberries (not in season? Too expensive). It was just wrong.
Jelly Boat - for Keane

Panda Cake - also for Keane

Keane enjoyed the Jelly Boat but didn't think much of the Panda Cake. I had a taste. It was a meringue with chocolate chip ears, chocolate eyes, dyed pink meringue nose and that dreaded tomato as the tongue. No wonder he spat it out. Cuteness factor though was a 10/10
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