I almost cried when I got this first thing on Mothers Day.
A hand made card from my gorgeous son (with some help from my wonderful husband). It says "To My Mummy
Happy Mothers Day
Love your wonderful son Keane 09" awwwww.....cue the tears LOL!
After breafast I was driven to Peters of Kensington to pick out my own gift. I just wanted that cupcake carrier he he he....and there was one left! I'll be putting it into use this Saturday for my friends farewell. Can't wait....to use the cupcake carrier, not for my friend to leave....better note that just in case I get abuse later from her.
I also had my family round to my house for dinner that night. We had homestyle Korean BBQ. Wow. Not only was it fun and entertaining, it was really delicious too. See for yourselves.
Mushrooms on the grill
Tongue - don't knock it till you try it!
The spread (from top left going clockwise: mushrooms on the grill, cubed beef, mushrooms, lettuce, chilli shallots, potato noddles, tongue and in the centre was bugolgi).
I bought the already sliced meats from the local Korean butcher where I work and marinaded it myself. The noodles I bought at a Korean food store near my house and the chilli shallots were made by the amazing Amra. She also made the special chilli sauce for us to dip into. Oh my god, YUM!
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