Once you get the dough out of the way though it's plain sailing. Choose the ingredients you want as the topping, chop it up and chuck it on. You can make it as healthy or unhealthy as you like.
For the Pizza recipe click here.
Dutch pancakes (fresh strawberries with home made strawberry jam - $8.00)
A great day out for families or anyone who appreciates wine or food. Can't wait till Burwood Spring Festival!
Mmmmmm so good! And we finished off with my verion of Nigella Lawson's Coca Cola Cake. Please excuse the photo quality.....I took these photos and don't know how to use photoshop....nor can I be bothered to learn.
It was a nice moist cake although I didn't taste any coke or really I should say it didn't taste like Pepsi because I ran out of coke.
I'm going to try this recipe again because I think using Pepsi and also silcone bakeware may have affected the way it turned out.
Royal Hotel Lounge - Lemon Tart, Chestnut Cream Cake and a Chocolate Mouse Cake
It was dangerous having a cake counter in our hotel. We went there every day to see the new creations and probably sampled something new each time. Bad bad bad. We even got sucked in to have their afternoon tea buffet. Will post later.
It was Larry's birthday so I bought all these to celebrate
Keane enjoyed the Jelly Boat but didn't think much of the Panda Cake. I had a taste. It was a meringue with chocolate chip ears, chocolate eyes, dyed pink meringue nose and that dreaded tomato as the tongue. No wonder he spat it out. Cuteness factor though was a 10/10
And lets check out what was on offer at this restaurant shall we....
Seriously.....I could not be more grossed out if I tried. Actually I could, if I watched them being prepared! I'm so glad I didn't. And just to make it clear, I did not order any of these while were were there.
I think I'm done with the tanks....I should really get on with some of the food I ate overseas. Next post, promise.
I was told these are called (translated that is) "Urinate Prawn" or "Pissing Prawn"
We had pipies
And Peking Duck
We also had other dishes but I failed to photograph those. Food was fantastic here and I think we ended up coming back 3 times in total in 5 days. Twice for dinner and once for yum cha. Ooo and they also put on a show for diners too - hand made noodle performace.
Sea Worms
Chicken Hearts
And the worst one of all....a live crocdile
He was all caged in and taped up. It was so sad. You would NEVER see this here - thank goodness for that!
Makes you wonder though doesn't it. If you feel sorry for the caged crocodile, shouldn't you be feeling sorry for the live lobsters, fish, prawns or crabs that a bound up and and shoved in a fish tank ready to be eaten?