Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chorizo Pasta

This is probably my favourite pasta to cook because it's so simple and delicious. You don't need many ingredients because the chorizo oil provides the flavour....mmmmmm chorizo oil.....

2 chorizos
1 diced onion
2 garlic cloves
1 can diced tomatoes
400-500g pasta
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
100ml cream (optional)

1. Fry the sliced chorizos and set aside. DO NOT throw out the chorizo oil. Leave it in the pan to cook the other ingredients
2. Cook the diced onion and garlic

3. Add the can of diced tomatoes (I only had whole tomates at the time but it still works. Crush them or break them to segments while you are cooking and stirring)

4. Add the parsley, salt and pepper

5. Add the cooked chorizo and simmer for around 10mins

6. Option - add the cream before you are about to serve. Stir well.

Serve over cooked pasta


  1. So true about the chorizo oil providing all the flavour! This looks delicious :D

  2. Yum! Looks reasonably easy and delicious. The perfect combination!

  3. Hi Suze - Don't we all? Hahahah!

    Hi Lorraine - Gotta love chorizo oil ; )

    Hi Claire - Thanks for dropping by! Even easier is if you cheat and buy the bottled sauce and all you need is the chorizo and pasta

  4. I googled chorizo pasta & came across this! Thanks for the simple recipe, Brenda - I am cooking this for my family tonight!

  5. for something different use diced danish feta instead of cream, it melts through the pasta for some nice creaminess.

  6. ate most of the chorizo before i put it in the tomato, i did it without the onion, tasted alright still

  7. looks delicious cant wait to try it
